UnHacked is a concise and impactful IT cybersecurity podcast hosted by seasoned professionals, Mario Zaki, Justin Shelly, and Bryan Lachapelle. Each episode explores the latest threats, industry trends, and practical tips to enhance digital security. Featuring expert interviews, news updates, and actionable advice, this podcast is your go-to resource for staying informed and secure in the fast-paced world of cybersecurity.

UnHacked Episode 8: MGM CyberNightmare

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki.

Key point: It's all about the people. We are the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain. Training, policies and procedures, and 3rd party assessments are your friends.

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UnHacked Episode 9: Sorry You Were Hacked - Here's a $480M Lawsuit to Brighten Your Day

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki.

An Ontario hospital system is hit with ransomware. 20,000 appointments cancelled. 267,000 patient records leaked. 3,000 employee records leaked. That's all you've got?

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UnHacked Episode 10: The Russians Are Coming! and what to do about it

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki.

In most episodes, we talk about the devastating financial and emotional cost of a breach. This time, as far as public record goes, "The company does not expect the incident to have a material impact".

A Russian state-sponsored attack on HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) "targeted a small percentage of HPE mailboxes' used by staff in cybersecurity...." Hmmmmm. Ok...?

Well, public record is what it is. That said, what can we learn? Take a listen and we'll break it down for you!’

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UnHacked Episode 11: Make It Happen To Somebody Else

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki.

The sad reality of cybercrime (and crime in general) is that there will always be criminals. Like I was taught when I worked as an armed guard for an armored car company: our goal is not to eradicate crime, our goal is simply to make it happen to somebody else. Cybercriminals WILL steal money. The question is: will it be YOU? Don't be low-hanging fruit. Listen to this episode as we teach you how to "Make It Happen To Somebody Else".

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UnHacked Episode 12: Keystroke Loggers: Is Your Janitor The Problem?

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki.

Your janitor has keys to your office and is expected to enter the building when nobody's home. What if they were paid to plant spy equipment on your computers? True story! How do you protect against that?!?! Well... we'll tell you exactly how!

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UnHacked Episode 13: Passwords? Haven't we heard it all? Well... no

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki.

We'd like to say, "If cybersecurity protections aren't a giant pain in the ass, you're probably not doing it right." Passwords come to mind. Super long, super complex, never use the same one twice, and change it every 30 - 90 days. That's a pain in the ass right there! But... Here's why it's important and how to keep it simple (well, simple-ish).

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UnHacked Episode 14: Internet of Things (IoT) - Is Your Fridge a Member of the Russian Mafia?

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki.

From your smart fridge to industrial gizmos, we're diving into the cyber risks lurking in our connected gadgets. Learn how to stay one step ahead in the wild world of IoT security. Let's keep those digital doors locked tight, folks!

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UnHacked Episode 15: The War Room - Surviving Cyber Attacks

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki. In a very literal sense, without the proper formula for cyber security, your business is likely to suffer an attack from which you may never recover. This episode could save the life of your business.

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UnHacked Episode E16: A Security-Minded Culture is Your Best Defense in the War on Cyber Crime

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki. In this episode, the hosts discuss the importance of company culture in cybersecurity. They emphasize the need for businesses to prioritize cybersecurity and create a culture that values and promotes security practices. They share stories and examples that highlight the consequences of neglecting cybersecurity and the benefits of implementing a strong security culture. The hosts stress the importance of ongoing training and education for employees, as well as the need for leadership to set the tone and lead by example. They also discuss the financial implications of a breach and the relatively low cost of investing in cybersecurity compared to the potential losses from a breach.

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UnHacked Episode 17: But... What If I DO Get Hacked?

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki like to say that once you've been hit, you can never get UnHacked. Well, let's take a look at the worst-case scenario and create a plan. Just in case.

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UnHacked Episode 18: Cloud Security: 4 Things Business Owners Need to Know

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "I've moved to the cloud, now I'm safe!" Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, a recent study of 600 organizations found that 95% had suffered some form of a cloud-related breach. We have to stop this! Listen to Episode 18 to find out how.

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UnHacked Episode 19: The Benefits and Risks of Using AI in Your Business

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki. Leveraging AI in your small business may be the most important thing you do. But make these mistakes, and it may be game over.

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UnHacked Episode 20: Cybersecurity and Productivity on a Budget

UnHacked the podcast with hosts Jason Shelly, Bryan Lachapelle, and Mario Zaki. Leveraging AI in your small business may be the most important thing you do. But make these mistakes, and it may be game over.

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UnHacked Episode 21: Cybersecurity for the Road Warrior

What do Mormon Crickets have to do with cybersecurity? TBD. Meanwhile, here are some crucial protections you need to have in place before you leave for that next business trip or family vacation.

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